This morning, after checking with Coupon Mom to help me to see what great sales were in my area and the potential for additional coupon sales, I went on my first real coupon outing.
I stopped by my local Ingles store to pick up two items on sale (Ingle's isn't on Coupon Mom, so I checked the online flyer myself) and then went to Rite-Aid, CVS, and Walgreens. I had varying success at each stop. Some stores didn't even have a shelf location for some advertised sale items.
I scored big time at Rite Aid because they had their generic Zyrtec on sale and I was able to get a 4 month supply for my family for the same price as a 2 month supply.
At each store, I found at least one planned sale purchase was more expensive than a generic, even with an additional coupon, so the generic won out. But, overall it was a successful trip.
It was definitely a good thing to spend a little bit of time on the computer so I knew exactly what was a good deal at each stop. I am sure I will do it again next week.
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